
Ohloh project report for domingo

Installation Instructions

To install Domingo on your Notes Client or Domino server, please download a binary distribution, extract the file domingo-1.x.jar and choose one of the following instructions.

Notes/Domino R5

  1. Copy the file domingo-1.x.jar to the folder of your local Notes installation.
  2. Add the path to this file to the JavaUserClasses variable in your notes.ini file, e.g.

Notes/Domino R6/R7

Either follow the same instructions as under Notes/Domino R5, or simply copy the file domingo-1.x.jar to the folder jvm/lib/ext in your Lotus Notes installation, e.g. at C:\Lotus\Notes6\jvm\lib\ext.

You do not have to change JavaUserClasses.

External Project/Application

Ensure that the file domingo-1.x.jar and either the Notes.jar or the NCSO.jar file is in your classpath.

If you want to communicate with the local Notes Client, then you need the file Notes.jar, whereas if you want to communicate with a Domino server thru Corba, you need the file NCSO.jar.

Http/XML implementation

If the Http/XML implementation of domingo is used, additional packages must be downloaded and added to your classpath:

If you are using Apache Maven to build domingo, all these dependencies are downloaded automatically to your local Maven repository.